PowerPlus was established in 1987 as a leading edge technology decontamination and cleaning company. The technology that has been produced since its’ doors opened has not been able to be reproduced by any single company and has opened the doors to many new capabilities that , until now, were thought to be impossible.
Our clientele ranges from low level cleaners to government contracts that put our equipment on their ships in the fields to help with remediation and decontamination emergencies. As a leader in the field it is our responsibility to maintain a constant awareness of
what is happening in the science and technologies world as well as understanding the needs of the people in their own locations. We have spent countless hours developing customized solutions for many situations and your country or business is just as important to us. We have had over 22 years experience in disaster technologies, we invite you to look at “A History of Disaster Relief” and learn more about the solutions we have come up with for these historic problems. As has been stated, we are ready and standing by to assist you in any way we can.
-We are problem solvers who profit from creating customer solutions
-Our business focuses exclusively on fulfilling needs of the cleaning and decontamination industries.
-We grow profitable by:-Enriching our clients
-Creating learning and growth for ourselves
-Delivering these on a Biblical foundation of integrity
Exxon Mobile
British Petroleum
Bell-Tech Oil Spill Consultants
Government and Municipalities
State of Louisiana
State of Alabama
State of Florida
U.S. Navy
Department of Fish and Game
John Wayne Airport
Long Beach Unified School District
Warner Brothers Studios
Pond of Anaheim
Moorpark Community College
American Technologies
Cleaning Companies
Thousands world wide