Chemical disasters can range from long term environmental exposure to the soil, a large leak from a container being transported, to checmical plant meltdown and explosions. Weapons of Mass Destructions (WMD's) that have been improperly moved can cause leaks and create environemental nightmares for those are working around them. All need to be addressed their own specific manner and our methods and technologies set the standards in disaster remediation.
We approach every disaster by obtaining as much information as we can about the disaster including what the contaminates are and what is found within them. We use chemical agents that have been engineered to cover a mulititude of problems, or create the exact right one for you. During the site inspections we use special meters that can read different particles and can let us know exactly what we are dealing
with. After we map the location with specific information including photos, gps, and readings of each reading point, our custom PASS software helps us create a specific solution to your problem. Once created, our certified technicians go out and decontaminate all surfaces and re test until everything meets quallity control.
We mitigate problems like ground water effects and contaminated water by stopping the contaminates getting into the water in the first place. Our "Pillows" in the Collection Systems attract and collect contanminants while our custom DCU Filtration System can filter thousands of gallons per hour of operation. We seperate the contaminants from the water and store them in "hot-swap" containers. After our team is done we call in third part agencies to verify and give us their readings to ensure the job is done right. After that point, we issue a certificate of cleanliness that shows our gaurantee.
This machine was developed specifically for disaster relief and remediation. Being built of stainless steel this machine can be ready for any given disaster with the right attachments and filters. This machine creates a near perfect vacuum of 21 HG (or 2/3 perfect vacuum). It can run any cleaning chemical or agent allowing for multiple uses and makes this the most versatile machine for any disaster or cleaning needs. The Prodigy Bio can also produce over 4000 psi for ensuring a deep clean of any given surface. That pressure also facilitates cleaning in any direction upside down, angled, or straight up and down. With the correct attachment this machine can also clean surfaces like skin and animal fir.
The Prodigy Bio has enough power for any decontamination situation, but managing that power and maintaining it is where the S.O.V.C. comes in. S.O.V.C. maintains the suction to a constant rate of 21H.G. or Mercury. This means that the tools that are attached to the Prodigy Bio can achieve and hold a 2/3 perfect vacuum, which is unheard of in tools that are designed to be used in the field. The suction that is created allows the Cleaned and Capture tools to clean any surface or even surfaces that are submerged.
Clean and Capture is defined as: “The process by which high pressure, agitation, and immediate extraction occurs within a closed tool head”
You can reclaim all liquids and chemicals used during cleaning without contaminating other areas or nearby water sources which could then drain to your water supplies. This technology can also be coupled with special filters for nuclear and haz-mat decontamination. So, no matter what your disaster needs are, Clean and Capture is ready to help.
CES or Cleaning Extraction System, was developed to handle the problem of cleaning contaminated soil and foliage. A specially designed semi permeable membrane and tools were created to allow our Clean and Capture tools to decontaminate soil and other organic surfaces while leaving the material in place. This means that we can clean your grounds without having to remove topsoil and expensive replacements for ground keeping. This also means that the overall environment is improved and not harmed during the decontamination process.
The DCU Earth Decontamination Machine was developed to handle deep soil contaminant clean up. When the contaminants reach to lower levels this computer controlled machine can clean up the most contaminated soil. A large grinder shreds and turns into mulch whatever organic material is fed to it. It then sends the material down the line to be decontaminated and sorted. If there is a spot that needs to be revisited, the machine will automatically re-feed the contents until it is cleaned or alert the certified operator for further instructions.
The DCU Earth Decontamination Machine has many options and among them is the ability to be mobile! Utilizing a custom tracks and carrying units designed for this machine and the supporting equipment, you can make this machine reach remote areas where digging up soil and transporting it is impractical. This machine can go to where the contaminants are. Perfect for deep forest, and remote location work.
Chemical and Oil slicks do not stay out at sea or in deeper waters where they can be easily dealt with. They move into shallow waters making it impossible for deep drafted boats to maneuver around. PowerPlus has adapted the CES technology to be mounted to shallow draft boats that can enter into any shallow water marsh or swamp. The flat bottom boats make a perfect mobile "stationary" platform.
Handling individual trees for decontamination is one thing, but cleaning tight knit trees near water and tides that flow in and out constantly make it very difficult to decontaminate. But PowerPlus has the solutions. We offer a package that includes our Shallow Water Solutions, CES, and a series of special chemicals and indigenous enzymes that can address these needs and in fact, not only decontaminate the locations, but encourage healthy environmental growth!
Oil and Chemical slicks are hard enough to deal with in deeper waters, the large weirs we offer can handle those easily enough. However shallow waters or streams that flow off a main river or water sources can be difficult to reach with larger equipment, but they still need to be addressed. The hand operated Weir from PowerPlus is the perfect tool to handle it! You can run up to 1000 feet of hose from the Prodigy Bio which gives you a deep reach into these channels. The boom the weir can extend up to thirty feet and is easily maneuvered by one person.
Contaminants create problems when they get into your water systems and eventually make their way into your soil and crops. PowerPlus, as part of their packages utilize these specially engineered "pillows" to capture the contaminants. The water passes all around and trough them and the "pillows" can be replaced after they have reached capacity, cleaned, re-prepped and returned to service helping the environment by not adding to waste problems.
Water is always an environmental concern. It supplies our crops and our soil with nutrients, keeps us alive and healthy. But it is also a very good distributor of contaminates to entire environments. Getting those contaminates out of the water is a priority and we have solutions for that! Our DCU Filtration system separates the contaminates from the water and leaves drinkable water supplies while capturing the contaminates in a "hot-swap" container that can be decontaminated, recharged and put back into service again. We pride ourselves on keeping our environment clean and non-polluted.